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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Would You Change Your Outlook?

As a student I was interested in learning about Huntington’s disease, but I got way more than that after watching “The InnerKid Philosophy: Kristen Powers” on TedxTeen. I chose this topic because my aunt was recently diagnosed with Huntington’s disease within the last 5 years and I know the affect it has had on my family. Kristen shared her story of losing her mother to Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s is genetic, and it affects movements, speech, and even thinking. It was stated in the video that if you combine Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, bipolar disorder, and ALS you will get a different type of Huntington’s disease each time. Kristen’s mother became diagnosed in 2003. She was old enough to witness the changes it caused on her mother’s health, both physically and emotionally. She watched her fall and get scrapes on her knees. She even watched her behavior change so much that it sent her to a mental hospital. Thereafter, she was sent to a nursing home since she wasn’t going to get any better. Her mother finally did not have to suffer anymore and passed away in 2011. After going through such a difficult time, it made her think about her future. And honestly who wouldn’t? Is it best to know what your future holds? Would you want to know if you only had months to years to live? When events like this happen in our life’s we can either chose to pick a path that can not only benefit us but others as well. We could take the wrong path and even turn to unhealthy behaviors. Kristen started a campaign that made people see that childhood doesn’t have to be the best time of your life. She wanted to spread the fun out and enjoy life every day and not just during her youth. After watching her mother decline, she knew that it’s not known how much time you have and being able to enjoy things throughout your life is very important. She recently turned 18 and has decided to get tested and find out if she has the disease. Through the InnerKid program she started she’s going to document her journey. Even though she didn’t want to know back then she does now, because it pushed her to enjoy life every day. Not only that, but it could help other individuals learn and even change their outlook on life and enjoy every second of everyday. The wisdom of not knowing pushes us to challenge ourselves and go for what we want in life. Kristen may or may not have the disease, but it was through the story of her mother that inspired her to try her hardest and chase her wildest dreams.
I can say with my whole heart that after losing loved ones to diseases or any other event that their story and lives have a major impact on the unknown. I would have never heard or even thought about wanting to become an occupational therapist. I would have never gone out of my way to start dating a guy that lived 1,400 miles away from me, but I did because he brought joy back to my life. I would have never left home and wanted to better myself for the future. I wouldn’t have the opportunity to grow and give encouragement to individuals that need a little extra encouraging in their life. No, we do not know the future, but we do know that each day is truly a blessing and if we can do anything to help others or even watch ourselves grow, we are living our life to the fullest.   
As future therapist I think we can help our patients apply this to their lives. That each day is full of different possibilities. Some can be good and some bad, but that it is best to take it day by day and live it to the fullest. While providing our services we can provide positivity throughout what might be the most difficult time, or even encourage them to live out their lives with the independence they have regained. So, what do you want to accomplish in your life? Would you change your outlook if you only had months to live? 

Checkout this TedTalk and see if you change your outlook on life.  

Talks, T. (2012, April 13). The InnerKid Philosophy: Kristen Powers at TEDxTeen. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from