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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Modifications & Living Life

Many individuals do not think something as simple as an Alexa can help an older person who lives alone. One example in the podcast was that an elderly person had fallen and called 911 with the help of her assistive device, known as an Alexa. Many older individuals want to grow old in their homes or even remain as independent as possible in their homes or assisted living facilities. As occupational therapist strive to make aging in place safer this can be done with the use of assistive devices. An interdisciplinary team works together to make the best recommendations to home modifications and adaptive equipment. Some of the top modifications were putting grab bars into homes, elevated toilets, and even making a shower easier to get in and out of. 
Occupational therapist are not inventors and sometimes clients want something to work for them and no one else, so they have to reach out to other individuals to hopefully find the best product for that client. As a therapist it is their goal to make adaptive equipment as client centered as possible. Assistive devices can be incorporated into an individuals life not only by a therapist, but someone as simple as an employee at a home store. As stated in the Ted talk there needs to be a universal design. Different individuals need different requirements and we as by standers need to think of others needs to make it an easier world for us to all live in. Not only when someone has a disability in a public restaurant and needs help reading the menu but is blind, but also for older adults to grow older in their homes and to be as safe as possible. All individuals deserve to live life to the fullest and adaptive technology is an important part of life now of days. 

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